Northwest Indiana’s regional infrastructure is a competitive advantage for the region. Our economy is significantly affected by the quality of the public infrastructure that supports it. Ignite The Region’s Infrastructure initiative is to ensure that Northwest Indiana’s infrastructure meets the needs of a 21st-century economy. Our Infrastructure Initiative is comprised of nine strategic goals:
Work with private landowners and communities in the region to expand real estate product available for industrial and commercial use
Accelerate brownfield redevelopment and recover lands for reuse
Develop the market potential of the Gary/Chicago International Airport (GYY) as a corporate/general aviation, air cargo and industrial asset for the region
Enhance the region’s multimodal infrastructure by expanding connections among rails, highways, ports and airports
Establish an online permitting portal that encompasses multiple jurisdictions in the region
Strengthen collective efforts to improve and expand the region’s transportation and mobility infrastructure
Explore the adoption and testing of emerging “smart” technologies into the region’s transportation infrastructure
Develop a regional broadband strategy
Preserve and enhance the region’s agricultural infrastructure
FEATURED IN VIDEO: Duane Hayden, Gary Chicago International Airport;
Tom Dakich, Digital Crossroads
Below you will find a list of several resourceful links pertinent to advancing the development of Northwest Indiana’s Infrastructure initiative
Developing Market Potential of the Gary/Chicago International Airport
Strengthen Collective Efforts to Improve Mobility Infrastructure-Double Track
Strengthen Collective Efforts to Improve Mobility Infrastructure-West Lake Corridor Project
Explore Incorporating “Smart” Technologies into Transportation Infrastructure