At the core of every economic development program are the activities and initiatives devoted to attracting, retaining and expanding investment and jobs. Ignite The Region’s Business Development & Marketing initiative is to promote robust and sustainable growth by engaging in a proactive, economic development program that supports business retention, expansion, creation and attraction. Our Business Development & Marketing Initiative is comprised of ten strategic goals:
More closely align and coordinate regional economic development efforts among local, regional and state economic development partners
Design a regional economic development brand that emphasizes and reflects the attractive qualities in the region
Enhance the economic development tools and incentives available to the region
Aggressively market and promote Northwest Indiana as a destination for new investment and employment
Cultivate relationships and networks with business executives for the recruitment of new businesses to Northwest Indiana, especially in target clusters and sectors
Build awareness of the region among site selection consultants and commercial brokers
Increase Collaborative business retention and expansion (BRE) efforts across the region
Educate public officials and the public about Northwest Indiana’s economic issues and the importance of economic development
Expand and leverage tourism to support industry and talent attraction
Establish an economic development district (EDD) to serve as a facilitator of regional initiatives and a conduit for additional funding sources in Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties
FEATURED IN VIDEO: Rex Richard, Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce & Valparaiso Economic Development Corporation;
Wade Breitzke, WeCreate Media
Below you will find a list of several resourceful links pertinent to advancing Northwest Indiana’s Business Development & Marketing initiative
Coming Soon!